Amy C Rad grew up dancing with her fingers as a pianist but according to her parents, she's usually the first one on the dance floor at wedding and parties. While in engineering school, she discovered her passion for fitness and started her journey as a group fitness instructor 30 years ago! She's taught almost every format under the sun but dance fitness is most definitely her jam because music and movement is the universal language that brings people together.

Amy co-founded BMI Fitness Studio in Santa Clara, CA and had built a community that grew even closer during the pandemic. Despite having to close her studio, she created RAD BOD Workouts, an online fitness community that worked out together online and at the park throughout the pandemic and are still going strong today.

Amy is passionate about mentoring new instructors and is a master trainer for U-Jam Fitness and Pound Rockout Workout. She has presented at IDEA World Fitness Convention, SCW Mania, CanFitPro and Fit Expo Events.

She can't wait to give you a huge SWUG when she sees you at her next GROOV3 party!


Chief Exertainment Officer - RAD BOD Workouts
U-Jam Trainer
GROOV3 Instructor
SOULfusion Instructor
Barre Above Instructor
Roll Model Method Practitioner
ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist
ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor
AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor